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Maximise our hairstylists

Adele Leung

You pay the same price if you use the same hair stylist to either get a mediocre hair cut that you've had for the last 20 years but you don't really like, because you are too scared to step out of your comfort zone, or you can get a hairstyle that uniquely expresses you. How would you choose?

Knowing hairstylists for most of my life, I know that we hold back ourselves on hair because our attachment to our physical appearance is great. A bad hair cut (or a bad hair day) can plummage many people into depression! So staying safe on a hair cut has been most of how we have been treating our hair for most of our lives.

What, as a part of the creative industry I have been hearing recently, and only as a messenger and mouthspiece for this industry, is hairstylists speaking out to me, that they do not wish to hold back themselves. Holding back ourselves-our ability to work, to do great work, to work more, to explode the amazing creativity and precision in techniques, the way we are with our customers, is indeed a crime.

I support in all expressions of NOT HOLDING BACK.

Hairstyling as an industry may have copped a great deal on being mistrusted by their clients when they carry entitlement of owning or controlling how a client needs to look. Because no matter how professional hairstylists are, they have to understand that a client's hair is a client's hair. A hairstylist does not own their client's hair or body and this respect if it is lacking in a hairstylist's service, is exactly what would hold back their clients in giving them the full trust to design and cut more expressive and creative haircuts.

Let us not hold ourselves and each other back, but explode in how we truly can express.

Adele first builds a deep trust and relationship with all her hair stylists and from there their hair relationship can only be one of respect and absolute honesty.


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