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Have we tried being Wonder Woman?

Adele Leung

Have we tried being Wonder Woman?

I don't mean being Wonder Woman on Halloween, but being the type of woman who says we can do it all.

I got some tickets to see a movie with my partner last week, and was very excited. But that day I was controlled by the Wonder Woman Syndrome! I went to the gym in the morning, then to the supermarket, I wanted to cook lunch and even prepare for dinner, check all my emails before going out for the movie.

Eventually I missed the movie and did not complete anything, and I was very disappointed.

My partner warned me: “You are so busy, how do you have time to watch a movie? We will never watch a movie!”

And so I reflected: When I say to myself I can take care of everything—Am I actually saying to those around me that “I don't need you!” And have I asked myself how I would make them feel?

Being a modern day woman, everything in our lives and in our work is encouraging us to multi-task. But because of this devastating experience, I have realized that the most effective way to do things is simply to put my heart into doing one thing at a time, not rushing but not delaying as well. To commit to being present to doing what is in front of me at one time. When working in this way, there is no time or space to worry or to think about if I could finish everything on time or not. I just deal with all the challenges that come my way. I have never imagined I could finish a big quantity of work within the time I have, and everything has been done with care, that has made me very happy.

Could it be that to be a Wonder Woman, we have to be simple instead of complicated?

It is the weekend again, and this time my partner suggested, “I will treat you to the movies this week!”

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