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True Modelling

Adele Leung

"Being a model to me is so that I could support women to become true to themselves in front of the camera." Adele Leung

Recently I was brought to awareness of such an expression: Celebrities should be allowed to show their personalities in photo shoots, whilst, models on the other hand, are like a blank piece of paper, they should be imposed a personality to perform.

On the surface, this statement seemed to make sense, however, personally and professionally, I would like to share how much this expression is compromising and harming to people.

If this expression is taken at face value, and anyone stepping into the role of a "photographer" seems to play God and could direct and run any energy through the role of a "model", this hierarchy is flat out expressing inequality between people. If this energy imposed is harming or destructive such as sexual energy (which is super common and even welcomed in many fashion shoots), energetically, it is nothing short of rape.

Models are expected to be moulded into any personality that they are asked to, which tells us the modelling consciousness is to suppress our own expression and to fit into any expression that is being approved. Like it or not, this is fact.

Working in the fashion industry as a stylist for over 2 decades, I am very well aware of this. I am completely ill at ease when photographers ask models to lie down on the ground to be photographed, the energy is blatantly aggressive and the model willingly submissive, with sexual undertones.

I cannot change the industry nor is that my responsibility, therefore a few years ago I entered the modelling industry as a model, and worked my way towards deeper self-love, self-care and self-respect towards myself. I have experienced devastating experiences where I gave into the pressures of the industry and allowed the imposition, the forced penetration, so to speak, it was as raw and disgusting as simply that. Which on the other hand, this is super exposing of the acceptance of harshness within the modelling consciousness which has become our normal. And because of these personal experiences, it was a commitment for me to keep being in this industry and bringing my truth to the camera. I was not to be imposed on, there was no need in me to be accepted or approved. I was not of the standard age, height or weight in joining the industry to begin with, and I did not need to be recognised for it, but I am determined to be me in my fullness, stillness and joy on screen.

For me, it has been a 16 year relationship coming back to a deeper connection with my body as well as the building of relationships with thousands of photographers during my career, to allow what you see today on screen. This education and the science behind it is also now offered to the public through personal and group sessions, for more information visit


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